ridiculously cheap!
I offered 5 birr (about 30
cents) for a minibus ride and got 3.60 birr back in change.
I handed over a 100 birr note
(about $6) for some barbecued chicken, with spicy sauce, bread, rice and a
Fanta, and got 40 birr change.
A coffee in the hospital costs 3
birr, about 20 cents
The people
By and large they are gracious
and friendly. Watching people as they meet on the street, they are so pleased
to see friends, and give them a handshake and hug. My current resident is
especially outgoing, and cannot walk down the hospital corridor without having
to stop a couple of times to great people and kiss them on both cheeks at least
twice. Most of the people who shout out “Hi man” or kids who say “What your name?”
only want to be friendly and practice their English.
The street
Want to buy an electric power bar? Some
shoes? A pack of pens? A tie? A book? Someone on the street somewhere will sell
it. Want your shoes shined? Your glasses fixed? No problem.
People live on the street and
take it over for their own use. Need a washing line? Just string your laundry
up between a couple of sidewalk trees. Fix your car? The road beside a spare
parts shop is just the place.
Every clothes shop has a bunch of
mannikins outside displaying the latest fashions. However, the clothes are
usually too small to fit properly, so most of them display jeans with the zip
halfway down in a very suggestive manner!
The weather
As long as it only rains a
little bit, and not a huge downpour.
Glad you're finding things to enjoy in Addis! The apartment looks quite nice too.