Friday, 27 April 2012

Sheraton Addis

I have just finished my last say working at Black Lion and decided to celebrate by walking up to the Sheraton and eating a salad. It must be safe to eat uncooked vegetables here, surely?

The hotel is huge and impressive with extensive manicured grounds, but this is the first time I have tried to use a keyboard with ge'ez script (used to write Amharic) as the main text on each key, and roman script as a small superscript. The browser is IE 8 on Windows XP 2002, whcih is not supported by Blogger so things look a bit odd.

I think we are all getting a bit tired and weary. At first the residents seemed very bright and enthusiastic, but as time wears on we realise that a few of them have major punctuality problems and that some of what we say goes in one ear and out the other. Its time to move on.

Tomorrow we are speaking at the 4th Ethiopian Anesthesia Meeting. The program was finalised a few hours ago, I am giving the last talk of the day, which is a pain but someone has to get that position

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